Miss Crosby’s Year 3 Class

Miss Crosby Year 3 Class

On this web page you can find out about all the exciting things taking place in Year 3!

Teacher: Miss Crosby

Email:  ecrosby@victoriousacademies.org

Twitter: @discoveryMissCr

Teaching Assistant: Miss Rhodes

Term: Spring 1

Our Learning this term:

Maths: This half term we will be continuing to look at Multiplication and division before moving on to fractions and what a numerator and denominator represent.

English: This half term the children will work on two text types: a story called ‘The Stone Age Boy’ and a holiday brochure. We will look closely at Prefixes, apostrophes, homophones and expressing time and cause using conjunctions – when, before, after, while, because.  we will also finish the half term by looking t Calligram poems.

Science: We are learning about different animals including humans, body parts and keeping healthy. We will identify the right nutrients we need to stay healthy whilst looking at skeletons and muscles.

History: We are excited to be looking at the development that caused transition from Stone Age to Bronze Age and then Iron Age. We will identify the periods of time throughout history whilst looking at the different tools used throughout the entire time.

Art: Year 3 will become familiar with the artists Alice Kettle and Hannah Rae. We are looking at how artists make a variety of marks and will be making our own art using textiles, cloth, paints and thread.

RE:  We will recognise similarities and differences in the key features of religions. We are going to suggest meanings for a range of forms of religious expression and note similarities and differences between religions. We will also explore similarities and differences in how religion is expressed in different world religions and respond to questions that cause wonder, staying respectful to others beliefs and ideas.

Computing: We are identifying the advantages and disadvantages of using texts and images in desktop publications. We will be looking at making changes to content on desktop applications.

Music: This term children will demonstrate an understanding and appropriate use of pulse/beat when listening, moving to and performing music. We will identify and describe feelings as they relate to music and create our own symbols to represent different sounds and instruments in our composition.

Spanish: We are learning to name and recognise up to 10 vegetables in Spanish. We will learn to spell some of these nouns with their correct indefinite article.

PSHE: We are looking at living in the British Isles. We are discussing the range of identities within Britain and understanding the benefits of living in a diverse, multicultural society.

General Class Information 

Reading – The children will be given a reading journal for home. They will be given various reading books throughout the year and will be expected to read independently and complete tasks set out in the front cover of the book.

Any home learning that your children do independently which is additional to this (such as home projects, research, writing stories, practicing maths concepts etc.) will be rewarded with DoJo’s.


PE is three times a week this half term and will be on a Monday and Wednesday and Thursday.

Your child will participate in a cricket, a dance lesson and sports/gymnastics lesson every week. It is normally expected for children to have a full PE kit kept in school at all times.

Children should not be wearing any jewellery including earrings for PE. If your child does wear earrings, please could you ensure they are taken out before school on Monday and Fridays please.

Snack: Snack is to be a piece of fruit or a cereal bar. No chocolate, crisps or sweets are allowed