Mr Robert’s Year 6 Class

Mr. Roberts’s Year 6 Class

On this web page you can find out about all the exciting things taking place in Year 6!

Teacher: Mr. N. Roberts


Twitter: @DiscoveryMrR

You can see our meet the teacher presentation here.

Term: Autumn 1

Our learning this term:


This half-term we will be looking at: place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This will include learning numbers to ten million and different calculation methods.


This half term will be looking at three text types: a formal letter to inform, a narrative, and poetry. The learning will be centred around some well-known fairy tales, such as Hansel and Gretel, and ‘The Lion above the Door’ by Onjali Q. Rauf.


How do I know that light travels in a straight line by looking at a shadow and how do I prove this?

This term, Year 6 will explore how light travels, how it creates shadows, and how it helps us see!


Can we trust all historical sources?

In History will be learning about Nelson Mandela and Apartheid South Africa. Throughout the topic we will look at the segregation of people who lived in Apartheid South Africa and what happened throughout Nelson Mandela’s life. This will help us decide if historical sources from the time are reliable or not.


2-D Drawing to 3-D Making

In art, we will be focussing on the transitions of 2-d drawings to 3-d models. We will explore a range of different drawing methods and will look into the work of Lubaina Himid who paints on 3-D objects, allowing the viewer to walk amongst the art pieces.


Science and Creation: conflicting or complementary?

This term, the children will be looking at a range of religious texts about creation and also look at what other people believe about the creation of life. We will debate and discuss whether these ideas are conflicting or complementary.


How is data transferred over the internet?

In computing we will look at how technology helps us communicate and how data is transferred between devices. We will then go on to discuss the advantages and limitations of methods of online communication.

Online Safety:

This year, we will also be teacher children about online safety in a dedicated session. In Autumn 1, we will be looking at how we can safely manage our information online.


This half-term, Year 6 will be having an introduction to the cornet! We will be learning how to play the brass instrument and will build on our knowledge of music and structure.


In Spanish the children will be looking at phonics and regular verbs. These lessons will support the children with more fluid reading and writing in Spanish, as well as supporting their pronunciation.


Our PSHE topic for this half term is VIPs (Very Important Persons) will focus on

relationships. Children will identify who their VIPs are within their

families and friendship groups and how important kindness and

respect are within these relationships.

General Class Information


PE is twice a week on Wednesday and Thursday.

Your child will participate in a dance session and sports/gymnastics session every week. It is normally expected for children to have a full PE kit kept in school at all times as it may also be used for active lessons such as science or active maths maths.

Children should not be wearing any jewellery including earrings for PE. If your child does wear earrings, please could you ensure they are taken out before school on Wednesday and Thursday.



Task – 1 piece of home learning on google classroom or century which should be independent work and take 10/15 mins – to be completed by Wednesday the following week.

Additional tasks may be provided to support children in filling various gaps in their learning to meet the Year 6 Curriculum guidance.

Reading – The children will be given a reading journal for home. They will be given various reading books throughout the year and will be expected to read independently and complete tasks set out in the front cover of the book.

It is expected for children in Year 6 to be reading independently at least 3 times a week and completing a feedback task at least once a week in their reading journal.

Times Tables Rock Stars – Children should continue to practice their times tables on TTRS, a minimum of 2 sessions a week (10 minutes).

Various competitions will be set throughout the year.

KS2 additional tasks (optional)

Any home learning that your children do independently which is additional to this (such as home projects, research, writing stories, practicing maths concepts etc.) will be rewarded with DoJo’s.

Snack: Snack is to be a piece of fruit or a cereal bar. No chocolate, crisps or sweets are allowed