Mrs Stokes’ Year 1 Class
On this web page you can find out about all the exciting things taking place in Year 1!
Teacher: Mrs Stokes
Twitter: @Year1Discovery
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Wood
Please follow the link here to our meet the teacher presentation.
Term: Autumn 1
Our Learning this term:
Counting – We will be counting objects in small and larger groups learning to organise them to make counting easier. We will be counting forwards and backwards in ones from any number within 20.
Place value – This term we will identify one more and one less of any given number up to 20 and use the language ‘fewer, more and the same’ to compare groups and numbers.
Addition and Subtraction- We will begin our journey of adding and taking away with equipment and understand that when we add the answer fets bigger and when taking away the answer gets smaller.
English: In English, we will be looking at the story called Billy and the Beast and writing a character description of Billy by adding our own super adjectives. We will then move on to writing a biography of a very famous lady called Rosa parks who we will also learn about in History lessons. We will use our best phonics to spell and begin to remember that we need a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces in all of our sentences.
Science: What do the different parts of my body do?
We will be grouping and classifying animals and understanding that Humans are a mammal. We will be naming parts of our bodies on the outside and on the inside such as; brain, heart, lungs and stomach and thinking about the job each part does. We will be thinking about our senses and the body part each one is associated with and we will conduct an experiment using our senses to explore and find out what we can smell, taste and feel.
History: How did Rosa Parks fight for her rights?
We will begin this topic using drama and explore what it feels like when only children with blue eyes are allowed on our bus. We will then research and explore facts about Rosa Parks and compare what life was like in 1955 compared to present day. We will create a timeline of significant events in her life and write in role as her to explain what it was like for her back then.
Art: Spirals
We will be using drawing, collage and mark-making to explore spirals. In this half term we will also be introducing sketchbooks so we know how to use them well to explore techniques and try ideas.
Computing: What is technology and how can it help me in my everyday life?
We will become familiar with the term ‘technology’ and we will classify what is and what is not technology in our school and or classroom. We will show our understanding of how technology helps us in different ways.
Our Online Safety unit will also be about copyright and ownership, focussing on how something we create belongs to us online but could be used by others inappropriately.
Music:We will be learning how to sing ‘Three Little Birds’ by Bob Marley and accompanying it with Djembe drums. We will also learn how to play the glockenspiel and use our own body’s as a percussion instrument.
RE: Who do Christians say made the world?
This half term we will be learning all about how Christians believe the world was created. We will read the Bible version of the ‘Creation Story’ and retell it to a partner. We will consider how there are the times to be thankful for the things we have received. We will look at Harvest time and create messages of thanks inside fruit and vegetable images and draw pictures of stained glass windows depicting the creation story.
PSHE: This half-term, our focus will be on ‘Team Building’. We get a sense of belonging as we consider what ‘Teams’ we work in at school, at home and in the local community. We will think about how we be a team player considering ways we can show compassion and resilience when working alongside others.
General Class Information
Reading: Each week, the children read a range of texts through their learning. They also take part in whole class or small group Reading sessions where their decoding and comprehension skills are developed with a different reading skill being focused on each day.
Home reading is to practice and consolidate their fluency, expression and comprehension. Children still being taught phonics will take two books home – 1 decodable book and 1 reading for pleasure book and be assigned a Collins ebook based on the book they have read in school that week. The decodable book is for the children to practice their fluency and expression as well as to show their understanding through questioning. The reading for pleasure book is for the children to share with an adult and to promote a love of reading. If they are past being taught Phonics they will be sent home 1 colour banded book to practise decoding and comprehension as well as 1 reading for pleasure book. Please let us know how your child has got on with their reading books using the reading record. We would like you to write a comment each time you hear your child read.
The children will also be listened to at least once every two weeks on a 1-1 basis with their teacher or teaching assistant. The class teacher or teaching assistant will change your child’s book on the day they are listened to read. We will not change a home reading book unless there is a comment in the reading record. If we do not have a comment or a book is not returned for two weeks Mrs Collins, our English curriculum leader, will contact you.
One child per half term will be nominated for being the Reading Hero for their class based on their commitment to home reading. The child will be chosen based on the evidence seen in their reading record and in class. If your child is chosen to be the class Reading Hero they will be given a prize and a certificate and acknowledged in Friday’s good work celebration assembly.
PE: PE is two times a week on a Tuesday and Thursday.
Your child will participate in a dance lesson and sports/gymnastics lesson every week. It is normally expected for children to have a full PE kit kept in school at all times.
Children should not be wearing any jewellery including earrings for PE. If your child does wear earrings, please could you ensure they are taken out before school on a Tuesday and Thursday please.
Snack: Snack is to be a piece of fruit or a cereal bar. No chocolate, crisps or sweets are allowed